Duluth Public Access Community Television

Welcome to PACT TV!
PACT is Duluth Public Access Community Television, a non-profit organization that offers, encourages and enables individuals and other non-profit groups to produce local programs.
Members of PACT take classes, and use our industry-standard equipment to produce documentaries, narrative programs, talk shows and films on a wide variety of subjects. Additionally, individuals and groups document important milestones in their lives and work.
Community members can access equipment, studio and editing facilities during business hours, 8:30am-4:00pm, Monday through Friday (except for federal holidays).
Call us at (218) 723-3686, or e-mail us at pacttvduluth@gmail.com, to talk about YOUR great idea

Jim, Liz, Shon & Kenny
Our History
PACT TV has humble roots, beginning in the basement (and Volkswagen) of Duluthian Anita Stech.
Back in those days, the proceedings of the School Board and City Council meetings were largely
unavailable to the public unless one attended in person.
After earning a Master's Degree in television and radio at Michigan State University, Anita and her
husband Harlan returned to Duluth to raise a family.
Anita would pack up her video camera and attend City Council meetings, recording the City's
business to be shared with the entire community. She felt it was important for these meetings to be
transparent and available to all citizens. Anita would bring the video tapes to the cable offices of Bresnan
Communications (across from Greysolon Plaza), to be broadcast on Channel 7.
That's where it all started, and at PACT TV, we still uphold this founding vision of accessibility, creativity and dedication to our community. We've grown into a state-of-the-art resource for the public to share their views and their passion for our area, and it's our mission to help tell your stories.